Creativity is an important life-skill and it’s best encouraged early. While some children show signs of natural creativity in their earliest years, others need a little nudge. That’s perfectly fine, because creativity can be encouraged pretty easily when you know what to do.
Creativity helps us to see the world in a different way. It allows us to look at a problem and not automatically see a road-block, but instead see an opportunity that can be solved. It helps us to broaden our horizons and be as innovative as possible. Aside from all of that, being creative is fun!
If you’re keen to encourage creativity in your child, here are eight ways you can get started.
Show Them That Mistakes Are Normal
A lack of creativity can often come down to being too scared to try something new out of fear of making a mistake. Teach your child that mistakes are okay and that they’re there to learn from.
Every Idea Has Potential
Fear has a huge part in a lack of creativity. Whether it’s the point we just made about fear of making a mistake, or being scared to voice their ideas because they’re worried someone is going to say it’s a bad one. Teach your child that all ideas are good because they can be worked on and developed into something amazing.
Creativity is Like a Muscle
In many ways, to be more creative you need to use your creative mind. That means encouraging your child to be as creative as possible and by doing that, they’ll want to do more of it.
Always have craft items to hand, such as papers, pencils, etc. That way, your child can pick them up and express their thoughts through creative minds whenever they feel like it.
Allow Your Child Some Independence
It’s easy to want to wrap your child up in cottonwool to protect them, but it’s important to give them some space to be independent in certain situations too.
When you allow them to make age-appropriate decisions, that means they’re thinking for themselves. All of this is linked to the creative ‘muscle’ we just mentioned.
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Encourage Them to Enjoy Their Hobbies
You don’t have to understand it, but you have to encourage it. So, if your child develops a hobby, encourage them to do more of it. This will help them to experience a real passion for something and that will push them to find more things that make them feel that way.
Technological Detoxes
This doesn’t mean not allowing your child to watch the TV or surf the Internet at all, but limits can help them to realize that there is more to life than sitting in front of a gadget. The time they’re not using technology can be spent doing creative things, such as drawing, painting, making things, or dancing. This is the ideal time to encourage them to focus on their hobbies.
Head Outdoors And Exercise
Along with the technological detox, you can encourage your child to head outside and explore. This will teach them that the world is huge and full of wonder. By helping them be at one with nature, they’ll automatically be in touch with their creative side and they’ll understand how to express themselves in a better way.
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Take Them to Creative Places
The more creative people your child sees, the more they’ll want to explore their own creative side. So, take them to live shows, the theatre, and to art galleries that are age-appropriate. There are also many museums that are really innovative and hands-on, encouraging your child to explore freely.
The more they see these things and they’re around these people, the more they’ll want to be creative themselves.
As you can see, encouraging your child to tap into their creative side isn’t actually that difficult. Simply by giving them the time and the opportunities is all it takes.