“There is no point in spending stupendous amounts of money on clothes, you will outgrow them at some point.” MOM
That’s the excuse my parents used to justify them not buying me designer wear.
We can all agree that there is some truth to that. However, it is also true that designer wear is not reserved for kids with trust funds or celebrities. Instead, designer clothes are a savvy investment that guarantees good returns upon resale. In other words, buying designer wear is a smart decision.
Unlike us, kids grow almost daily. That means that they outgrow clothes faster than we do. Now, let’s say you are not interested in reselling, what’s in it for you?
What’s better, buying cheap knockoffs or buying the real thing?
I must admit, there are some very good knockoff clothes out there but most of them fail where it matters the most, durability and value for money. The thing is. Designer clothes are sturdy, well made, and are crafted with durable materials. I am talking about organic cotton twill, eco-friendly bamboo knits, hand-woven silk, and many other materials you won’t find in no-name brand garments.
You love your kids, you don’t want to put them in harm’s way, right?
The problem with buying knockoff dolls, clothes, or kid’s accessories is. Some of these products may contain dangerous substances.
Last year, The Guardian reported that a consignment of fake Princess Catherine dolls was found to contain unsafe levels of boron. Boron is a cancer-causing substance. So, let me ask, how sure are you that the ink on your son’s t-shirt is safe?
The reason why most parents today are choosing to buy designer or should I say quality durable clothes for their kids is. Quality clothes last longer, they are safe, and when your child outgrows his/her designer clothes, you can exchange them for new ones or resell and get some of your money back. There is also the possibility that the item you bought might go up in value over time.
Admit it. If you grew up with siblings, you had to wear hand-me-downs, right?
Kids nowadays know a lot of things when young. Because of that, getting them to accept hand-me-downs can be a challenge, but what if you buy something that they want, a type of clothing that never feels outdated?
That’s what’s on offer today. Let’s say you buy your older daughter Gucci shoes; your younger daughter will obviously want those shoes even if she gets them 5 years from now. If there is no one to get the shoes as a hand-me-down and they are still in good condition, you can resell the shoes at a flea market or garage sale.
All in all, designer kids’ clothing is a no-regret investment all parents should make.
Quality, durability, and style that never gets old. That’s why!
[Also Read : Kids’ Horoscopes for the New Year With Fun Fashion Twists Based on Astrological Signs]
Why you should invest in designer clothing for your children
In contemporary western culture, aesthetic beauty and originality are very important elements. The entire western fashion industry stands on these two factors. Think about it. Your clothes define who you are, they distinguish you from the crowd, and they show the world “this is me”.
Let’s assume that you have a son and a daughter. Your daughter loves princesses and your boy loves punk rock. When you take them to the store, the boy will obviously go for darker clothes and the girl for bright colorful clothes. This is a form of self-expression that shapes who they become when they get older. At 5 to 16, kids are very impressionable and can be easily influenced by their environment.
Designer clothing is arguably a genre of clothing. What your child chooses to wear is a statement.
Also, no matter the event, your child will never be caught with nothing to wear. There will be occasions where you and your kids will need something fancy to wear. It could be a fancy dress for a wedding, a three-piece suit for kindergarten graduation which I still think is a scam, or a birthday party.
I get it, designer clothes are expensive, but investing in one or two every other month is a worthwhile investment.
Today, children’s clothing and shoes have become far more diverse than they were 20 years ago. That means you have plenty of options. Plus, it’s not a must to invest in designer wear, you can simply buy designer accessories and pair them with normal clothes, no one will notice.
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