Keely Deininger, a passionate fashion enthusiast from an early age, spent countless hours at her grandmother’s sewing machine, crafting outfits and dreaming of a future in design. Sewing since the tender age of 6, her love for fashion consumed her thoughts, leading her to pursue formal education in the field and landing her first job as a designer immediately after college. Throughout her 20-year career with renowned global fashion brands, Keely held onto the belief that one day she would create her own label—a dream that eventually materialized in 2007 with the birth of Angel’s Face.
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Starting from her humble kitchen table, Keely, now a busy working mother of three, set out to create a standout product that would capture attention and propel Angel’s Face to success. The iconic tutu, exquisitely packaged in vintage-inspired hat boxes, became the focal point of the brand’s early offerings.
As time went on and Angel’s Face blossomed into an international sensation, available in over 400 boutiques across 40 countries, the brand expanded its range to encompass a comprehensive selection of little girls’ essentials. From tops, t-shirts, and leggings to dresses, hair accessories, shoes, knitwear, denim, and coats, Angel’s Face became the go-to destination for all things fashionable and fabulous.
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An Angel’s Face girl possesses an innate sense of confidence and individuality. She fearlessly expresses her unique style, knowing precisely what she wants to wear and how she wants to wear it. Keely’s collections empower young girls to curate their own looks, seamlessly blending styles, colors, and fabrics to create their distinct fashion statement. With an Angel’s Face ensemble, they stand out from the crowd, making magical memories while envisioning a vibrant and promising future of their own.
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